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Unit 8: Tour Arrangements and Giving Directions



Section 1: Listening


Part A: Please listen to the following conversation and fill in the blanks.


MP3 ─ 1      

Concierge: Good day, ma'am. How can I help you?

Woman: I want to experience some Taiwanese 1)______________________________________. Could you tell me if there's anything interesting going on at the moment in Taipei?

Concierge: Well, tomorrow there will be a 2)___________________________________ with dragon dancing. There will also be market stalls and games. It's very exciting.

Woman: It sounds great. Where will it be held?

Concierge: It will be held on Shonglian Road.

Woman: How do I get there?

Concierge: Let me show you on the map. Take Sengshou Road to the Taipei 101 building, then turn right and walk 3)_________________________________. You'll see Shonglian Road on the left. You can't miss it.

Woman: Thank you.


Part B: Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.


MP3 ─ 2      


______ 1. Cross out the place the tour does NOT go.

A) Heping Island

B) Chungcheng Park

C) Keelung food market

D) Shiandung Cave


______ 2. The tour costs 6,000 NT. What does this NOT include? Cross out the wrong one.

A) lunch at Keelung City

B) transportation by bus

C) eight hour tour

D) private tour



Section 2: Conversations

Please pick the phrase or sentence that best fits the dialogue.


______ 1. Guest: Can you please give me directions to the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall?

Concierge: _________

A) It's on the ground floor to the left of the stairs.

B) It's in the middle of Taipei.

C) It’s in Keelung City.

D) It's across Renai Road. You can't miss it.


______ 2. Concierge: We can alter the tour to fit your interests. What is your itinerary?

Guest: _________

A) I want a private car and an experienced tour guide; I also want lunch included.

B) I want to see the National Palace Museum in the morning and see dragon dancing in the afternoon.

C) I want a tour that costs no more than NT 6000.

D) I want a tour that will be fun and show lots of interesting things.


______ 3. Guest: How can I travel from Pingtung to Yilan?

Concierge: _________

A) You can go by train.

B) It’s right here on the map.

C) Turn right on Songshou Road.

D) Go to the airport. It’s on the other side of town.


______ 4. Guest: _________

Concierge: There's a Shin Kong Mitsukoshi just down the road.

A) Is there a park nearby?

B) I want to see some dragon dancing. Where can I do that?

C) Is there anywhere to shop on Songgao Road?

D) Where can I catch a train?


______ 5. Guest: I want to learn more about Taiwanese culture and art. Is there anywhere I can go?

Concierge: _________

A) You can visit the National Palace Museum.

B) Take a left on Xinyi Road, then walk for one block.

C) Taipei 101 is open from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM.

D) Here is a pamphlet about Taiwanese music. I hope it helps.



Section 3: Words, Phrases and Grammar

Fill in the missing prepositions.


1. There is an outdoor market __________________ the park.


2. Can you give me directions ____________________ the train station?


3. Taipei City Hall is ____________________ Songzhi Road, in front ____________________ the Taipei 101 building.